Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Tell Us What You Think: Why is a Focus on Total Health So Vital?

This post is part of a campaign to invite feedback and ideas that will help inform the next generation of content for exhibits at the Center for Total Health.

When reporters write an article, they often focus on five Ws and one H – who, what, why, when, where and how – to capture and communicate the key points of their story.  Similarly, as guests and visitors walk through the center, we want to focus on three basic questions about Total Health:

  • Why is a focus on total health important?
  • What does total health look like?
  • How is total health delivered?

In this blog post, let’s focus on why.

As we consider new content for the center, we need to think not only about how we define total health, but also why it is important.

Total health begins with the individual, so we want to hear your thoughts on why a focus on total health is important to you.  And, because each individual is part of a larger community or communities (e.g, work, family, social), why is a focus on total health from a big-picture perspective also so important? 

Why does total health matter? And how would you answer that question – both personally and from a community perspective?

In a current display at the Center:

Members, staff and community leaders give their definitions of total health and why it is important to each of them.

What is Total Health

One idea for an alternative display:

A model community depicts what contributes to total health.  The interactive display could illustrate the connections between individual health, the health of the community and the environment. Different health challenges could be identified and proposed solutions explored, such as food deserts (areas that lack healthy food options) replaced by farmers markets.

Alt Display Image for WHY post

In the comments section, we would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.  Why does total health matter to you and your community, and how might you share your ideas with others within the exhibits at the Center for Total Health?



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